Wednesday, July 23, 2008


A little bit about me. Im Nic , people call me Nick, online people call my Kookynic but you can call me Jim. Moved from the Wairarapa to Wellington to study Design at Vic Uni. :D
The 'Clip' Project 3 for DESN111. Taups and I decide to task our selves with the challange to clone people. After a tutorial of Adobe Aftereffects from an outside source we set about editing the clips frame by frame over many sleepless nights. Finally placing the clips together in Sony Vegas to complete the project. So here it is.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


This image is a brief veiw of my personal network. The blue signifys my friends in RL (real life) and the yellow is my online friends that i have met in RL. Top left is my gaming team being interviewed by the news while at the World Cyber Games ( Online Olympics).

Monday, July 21, 2008


This is a quick video of me drawing an Isometric circle. It really amazes me alot of students enter into design with out any prior technical drawing experience , so i thought id show them some basics.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Taking a walk around

I had a look at the class list for some familiar names. As usual i found Taups and commented on his project from last trimester about the one word animation. It was worthy of my comment even though i know him personally mainly because it was such a epic clip.

Found Dave Goodman who is a great classmate always asking the right questions that no one asks , lol. left a nice comment about Taups and my Final clip for DESN 111 in the first trimester.
Dave Works hard also so i left him a comment.

Went to Scott Goldsbury blog and found it very interesting. He had a great clip on there and i think it worked very well.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Lately i have been inspired by some of the Photoshop wizards of The first being username "bacz" with a sort off macarbe theme to his photomanipulation.

The second being "angelus-hellion" with 3d digital images produced via 3dsMax, giving endless scale at great persective views.